We have several concerns for Monday. First, the Storm Prediction Center has West Michigan in a Slight to Marginal Risk for a severe thunderstorm Monday evening/night. If severe weather occurs at all, it should be isolated. There’s a separate thread (story) on the blog to discuss that threat.
Next, tomorrow has been designated a Clean Air Action Day. This is for the lakeshore counties plus Kent and Cass Counties. On Clean Air Action days, the Rapid in Grand Rapids and the Macatawa Area Express offer free bus rides on fixed routes.
We have both a Beach Hazards Statement and Small Craft Advisories for Lake Michigan. This is for southwest winds of 15-25 knots and waves as high as 3-6 feet. Do not jump off or swim near the piers and breakwaters tomorrow. This is especially true at Grand Haven State Park.
Finally, there is an Alligator Alert for Albion (a little bonus alliteration there). Kayakers on the Kalamazoo River beware.
I’ll have an update on tomorrow’s weather on News 8 tonight. That’s coming up at 10 pm on WXSP and at 11 pm on WOOD TV8.
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Originally Appeared Here