An article appeared in the Sun-News on June 19, titled “Beware the Orange Flame.” It referred to an occasional problem with a natural gas flame turning orange when the humidity is high, and advised people to call the Las Cruces Utilities office when this occurs. But the real story here is that any time natural gas is burned, it emits serious pollutants, no matter if it is an orange flame or that beautiful blue flame that we all love.
“Cooking with gas” means these pollutants are being emitted right into your home and into the air you breathe! Pollutants from gas stoves include nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde. Even in low concentrations these toxic gases can irritate eyes, nose, throat and lungs, possibly causing coughing and shortness of breath, tiredness, or even nausea. Exposure over time can lead to chronic bronchitis or asthma, and other health issues.
The American Medical Association has recently issued a resolution recognizing the link between gas stoves, indoor air pollution and serious respiratory illnesses. They are now committed to raising awareness among physicians, healthcare professionals, and the public at large that cooking with gas greatly increases the risk of serious respiratory problems, especially in children.
The link between childhood asthma and living in a home with a gas stove has been known for years. An extensive study in 2013 found that children living in homes with gas stoves had a 42% higher risk of experiencing asthma symptoms, and, over their lifetime, a 24% increase in the risk of being diagnosed with asthma.
Nitrogen dioxide is regulated by the EPA and levels above 100 parts per billion are not considered safe for people to breathe. While outdoor air pollution is monitored and regulated, there is no regulation of indoor air pollution. This is odd because the EPA’s own studies indicate that air pollution inside our homes is often two to five times higher than outdoor levels! Just boiling a pot of water on your gas stove raises the nitrogen dioxide in your home to more than the safe limit! If there is not an effective stove hood vented to the outside, this toxic gas will linger in your home for hours, creating serious health risks to anyone breathing the air.
Other health effects of exposure to nitrogen dioxide include susceptibility to lung infections, weakened immune systems, and even heart or neurological issues. Recent studies also indicate this pollutant is associated with greater risk for cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and premature death.
If you have a gas stove, be sure it has a hood directly over the stove that is vented to the outside. And always turn on the vent when you use your stove.
If your gas stove is not vented to the outside, your best choices are: (1) install a hood that is vented to the outside, or (2) replace your gas stove with an electric or induction range. Either of these choices will give you much greater energy efficiency than a gas stove, not to mention significantly better indoor air quality. And if you love the control you have with a gas stove, you’ll be even more impressed with induction cooking.
As a Realtor, I feel obligated to let people know about this important health issue. We owe it to ourselves and our families to have a healthy and safe home environment!
Renee Frank is an EcoBroker with certifications in energy efficient and environmentally responsible features of real estate. She may be reached at [email protected].
Originally Appeared Here