If you have driven through the community this summer you may have noticed some work taking place at several Fremont Public Schools facilities.
The district continues to move forward with planning and has commenced several projects identified during the $123 million bond issue that was passed by citizens in September of 2021. FPS is also working on other projects such as a new track and turfed football field at Fremont Middle School and several Federally funded indoor air quality projects.
Milliken Park Elementary Project Update
Geothermal Well drilling has started on the city-owned ball field and will be completed by early August 2022. Construction has begun on the interior indoor air quality/safety and security project and will extend through December 2023 over multiple phases.
This project will provide for a relocated office with a secured main entrance and walls/doors in the classrooms for the first time since the building was opened in 1978. This is an ESSER’s Federal grant-funded project.
High School/CTE Project Update
The Geothermal Wellfield work will begin in late July/early August. A bid package for the replacement of the Al Bahe gym bleachers has been awarded to Carroll Seating.
Bleachers will be replaced in the spring of 2023 and completed prior to the fall 2023 sports season. The design team will continue to develop the drawings through October where the final design is still on
schedule to be completed.
The CTE Center construction is scheduled to be completed in Summer 2024 with the entire high school project completed in Summer 2025. Hausmann Construction of Lincoln was awarded the Construction Manager contract and continues to solicit pricing from local and regional contractors to complete the work.
Washington, Howard, and Clarmar Elementary Project Update
Design and coordination of structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing and architectural
systems are ongoing.
Detail design work on the interior finishes, casework and kitchen area is underway. Development of options for the new Clarmar site have been evaluated and are being adjusted with feedback from FPS and the site owner. The three new elementary buildings are scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2024.
Lenihan Indoor Air Quality Project Update
Project bids are due at 9 a.m. Friday with a special Board of Education Meeting scheduled
for July 26 to award a contract. This is an ESSER’s Federal grant funded project. Construction is expected to begin in August 2022 and extend into next year, 2023.
Bell Field Elementary Project Update
The roof repair package bids were received on April 28. Elkhorn West Construction has begun work on the project which will be completed in August.
Scope and budget verification work is in progress in preparation for the interior design work to begin in the fall/winter of 2022-23 for bidding in the spring of 2023. Interior construction is scheduled to begin in the summer of 2023.
Linden Elementary / Johnson Crossing Academic Center Projects Update
Site Survey work has been completed. Design work is scheduled to begin later this month.
Fremont Middle School
A new track and artificial turf football field are being built at the Middle School. Nemaha Sports
Construction is the general contractor.
Sawyer Construction of Fremont is contracted by Nemaha for the site work which began two weeks ago. Sawyer has been on site and preparing the ground previously occupied by two practice fields for the construction of the new football field and track facility. This project was identified as a need by the citizens committee and is being funded with non-bond issue district funds.
“It’s exciting to see work happening throughout the community,” said Todd Hansen, Metropolitan Community College executive director, student services and board of education facilities committee member. “A lot of work has gone into the planning leading up to these projects commencing – work continues between the school district and Metropolitan Community College on planning for the new Career Technical Education Center.”
“The planning for the new/renovated facilities honoring the three tenets of the bond issue —
improved learning environments, safety and security improvements and creating operational
and energy efficiencies — continue,” said Jon Ludvigsen, board of education facilities committee member. “The students and our community will benefit from these improvements and enhancements for years to come.”
As the CTE Center at the High School and the three new elementary replacement building
projects are commenced, community groundbreaking ceremonies will be announced.
“We appreciate the efforts of those involved to bring the projects and planning to fruition,” said Sandi Proskovec, board of education chair and member of the facilities committee. “Summer is typically a time to refresh and prepare for the upcoming school year. This year many have been
engaged in this important work and their efforts are being recognized.”
For more information regarding the FPS facilities improvement projects visit the District’s
website at http://fremonttigers.org.
Originally Appeared Here