Fremont Public Schools is moving ahead with various projects, all are part of the voter-approved $123 million, no tax levy increase, bond issue.
Local residents voted 65-35% to approve the bond issue in September 2021.
FPS said the bond issue won’t force the district to raise its $1.24 per $100 tax levy.
Projects, which are part of the bond issue, include construction of three new elementary schools to replace Clarmar, Howard and Washington elementary schools, each of which is estimated to cost around $21.5 million.
The three new elementary buildings are set for completion in summer 2024.
In addition, the bond issue has paved the way for an $11 million addition to Johnson Crossing Academic Center and a $28.4 million remodel of Fremont High School.
The FHS project also includes improved security, technology and student safety, indoor air quality and operational and energy efficiencies and construction of a Career and Technical Education Center.
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The $91 million CTE will offer courses geared toward “High Skill, High Wage, High Demand” career opportunities.
FPS meets each week with the BVH design team and updates the board of education facilities committee monthly. Project updates include:
- Bids received for the Geothermal Wellfield scope were received and are under budget. Geothermal well fields use the ground as a source to heat and cool a building, providing energy efficiency. The FPS board of education approved this work, set to start on-site in early July.
- A bid package for replacement of Al Bahe gym bleachers will go out for bid in the next couple of weeks. Anticipated replacement is in spring 2023, FPS said in a prepared statement.
- High school design development documents will be submitted to Hausmann Construction in late June for an estimate update.
- The design team will continue to develop drawings through October, when the final design is on schedule to be completed.
- CTE Center construction is set to be finished in summer 2024.
Washington, Howard and Clarmar elementary schools
- Design and coordination of structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and architectural systems is ongoing.
- Detail design work on interior finishes, casework and the kitchen area is underway.
- Development of options for a new Clarmar school site have been evaluated and are being adjusted with feedback from FPS and the site owner.
Milliken Park Elementary School
- Bids were received and approved in May. The project was within budget.
- The contract with Cheever Construction Company is being prepared.
- Earlier this month, the board voted to approve a bid of $4.8 million to Cheever to renovate the school at 2950 Dale St., in the Washington Heights area of Fremont. The Cheever bid is $629,905 less than the original budgeted amount of $5.4 million for the Milliken Park project.
- Construction is set to start in July 2022 and extend – over multiple phases – through December 2023.
- Construction documents are complete.
- The project is out to bid.
- Bids are due June 30 with anticipated board approval on July 11.
- Construction is expected to begin in August 2022 and extend into 2023.
- Roof repair package bids were received April 28.
- Contract with Elkhorn West Construction is being prepared. Earlier this month, the FPS board of education approved a contract amount of $65,021 from Elkhorn West Construction for roof repair and windows at Bell Field Elementary School at 1240 E. 11th St.
- Construction on the roof repair project will begin in June or July 2022.
- Scope and budget verification work is taking place in preparation for the interior design work to start in the fall/winter of 2022-23 for bidding in the spring 2023.
- Interior construction is set to start in summer 2023.
- Site survey work has been completed.
- Design work is set to begin in July 2022.
Johnson Crossing Academic Center
- Site survey work has been completed.
- Design work is set to begin in July 2022.
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