Appropriate cleaning solutions for your fridge exterior depend on the material. The protective chromium oxide in stainless steel can be compromised with harsh cleaning solutions, including bleach (via Apartment Therapy). Epicurious instead recommends using a freshly laundered microfiber cloth and vinegar diluted with hot water for exterior refrigerator doors. Even the manufacturers of Clorox bleach recommend it primarily for door handles, edges, and “small spills” in your refrigerator rather than for deep cleaning on large areas.
Many cleaning substances come in different packaging, so it can be difficult to decide which one is the best. Thankfully, there is one type of bottle you should look out for. Whether your fridge surface is made of stainless steel or other materials, a spray-bottle solution avoids drippy messes and helps in saturating rubber seals, hinges, and hardware. It is also crucial to double-swipe refrigerator handles, which typically get touched dozens of times a day.
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