When the humidity level outside is excessive, this can result in condensation on the windows which can cause mold. Find out how to get rid of fog and clean the air in your home. One thing is certain: you will quickly integrate these habits into your daily life!
The fog that forms on the windows can impact the indoor air and harm your respiratory health. To combat humidity problems, there is a foolproof trick to eliminate these droplets on your windows.
What trick to eliminate window condensation?
Condensation severely impacts indoor air quality and can cause bad odors and mold in your home. This trick will help you dry out water particles in damp rooms. You won’t need to invest in dehumidifiers for better thermal insulation.
Water vapor on the windows – Source: spm
Moisture absorbing crystals to eliminate condensation
This trick is effective and eliminates condensation. These are moisture-absorbing crystals that can be purchased from online sales sites. These sachets of crystals act as interior dehumidifiers and eliminate condensation. Just place it on the windowsill, making sure to keep it away from children and pets. And for good reason, these crystals contain calcium chloride which can be irritating to the eyes and skin. Another trick is to wipe the condensation-prone window with a cloth dampened with a drop of dishwashing liquid. This can also make this inconvenience disappear after a few minutes.
Other tips to eliminate or prevent condensation
It is possible to fight against condensation as well as the health problems that can result from it thanks to other infallible tips.
1-Eliminate condensation and prevent infiltration by drying your clothes outside
To fight against humidity and fogging on the windows, it is recommended to dry your clothes outside. The reason: your wet clothes increase the water present in the surrounding air. Thanks to this simple gesture, you will simply fight against the phenomenon of condensation!
Droplets on the windows – Source: spm
2-Keep heating constant to minimize indoor humidity and eliminate condensation
For a dehumidifying effect in your rooms and maintaining a healthy room atmosphere, keep your heating at a low temperature to prevent fogging during the colder months. This system will prevent the mist that forms at dawn from appearing due to the cooling of the windows. To save money, install a timer to switch on the heat at that exact time of day. This will keep those surfaces warm. This solution to fight against humidity will have to be temporary because it is rather expensive. Other effective tips can help you naturally cause dry air. You can say goodbye to traces of humidity!
Respiratory problems – Source: spm
3-Moving your indoor plants is an anti-humidity habit that prevents condensation on the windows
To prevent the risk of mold and fight against a problem of condensation on the windows, a simple gesture can help you see the difference. Simply move your indoor plants outside. This habit will prevent any moisture problem responsible for the appearance of mould, which you can simply eliminate.
4-Turn on your bathroom fans to avoid condensation
A room that is too humid can result in condensation on mirrors and water seeping into the air. To combat this phenomenon, it is recommended to turn on the fans in the bathroom or in another room of the house. The mist will disappear immediately!
Device for renewing the air – Source: spm
5-Cook with lids to eliminate condensation
Sometimes ventilation can be poor in the kitchen, one of the most humid rooms in the house. If you want to eliminate fogging, it is recommended that you cook with lids on your pots and pans. Also open the windows while cooking to allow the air to be renewed.
6-Insulating your home better prevents condensation and mold
Au Beyond natural ventilation, fogging can be a problem that you can solve with work. If condensation is a common occurrence in your home, you can enlist the services of a professional to insulate the walls and windows of your home. Good insulation is the best way to prevent condensation and excessive humidity. The installation of double or triple glazing will offer you thermal protection which eliminates this phenomenon permanently. You will also need to make sure there are no cracks in your walls. These can be sealed in a few steps.
330050 It may be necessary to replace the panes if the condensation is stubborn
Sometimes, these effective solutions can prove useless if the windows do not provide the necessary insulation to fight against the condensation . Certain signs may indicate that this equipment will need to be changed.
Furthermore, to maintain a ideal humidity level in your home and to fight against the consequences of thermal fluctuations, it is recommended to make sure that the seals of your windows are not failing. Replacing them will allow you to dry the ambient air and avoid having to resort to a humidity treatment which will prove useless.
You will have understood it, to fight against fog on the windows, simple habits to adopt on a daily basis are formidable. Thus, you will prevent the appearance of condensation and all the harmful consequences on your home and your health!
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