A freak accident claimed the life of a New York woman when a 2,000-pound headstone fell on. Now, her family is suing. The suit claims the incident happened October 28 at the Baron Hirsch Cemetery. The New York Post says it is not entirely clear how the headstone fell on her, though the woman and her son were both employed to work at the cemetery through a third party company.
The Post says the family the suit against the cemetery, claiming the grounds were not maintained to ensure safety. Baron Hirsch Cemetery was established in 1899 in Staten Island and has around 500 plots on 80 acres. The woman killed was 53-year-old mother of five. She was rushed to the Richmond University Medical Center where she died from her injuries the very same day.
While it may sound like an unusual cause of death, a very similar incident happened around a year ago at another cemetery in the state. Police say a 42 year-old man from Coram, NY was leveling out the bottom of a grave at Washington Memorial Park in Mount Sinai, when it ended up collapsing down on him. Officials say the man’s coworkers tried to dig him out from all the dirt but were unsuccessful. ABC NY says the man was buried in a hole over seven feet deep, which has got to be an absolutely horrifying way to die. This is the stuff of nightmares.
Emergency crews responded to the incoming 911 call, but sadly the man was pronounced dead at the scene, according to authorities.
Read More: New York Man Working In Cemetery Dies When Grave Collapses On Him | https://wpdh.com/new-york-man-working-in-cemetery-dies-when-grave-collapses-on-him/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral
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