Are you struggling with clutter? Is your garage overfilled with multiple seasons of equipment? Are your baseboards collecting dust? Does your pantry or refrigerator look like you just opened the door and tossed in food at random? If you’ve ever sat on your couch surrounded by old newspapers and unfolded blankets, wondering what you could do to solve these issues, fear no more!
There is a simple solution to inspire you to clean, organize, dust, scrub and stack everything in your home! Within days you will be smiling with sparkles in your teeth as you gaze over clean and tidy rooms.
Graduation: It’s a lot:Filling your beaker
Sure, you might not be able to see well because you’ve worked so hard you haven’t slept and are struggling to keep your puffy eyes open, but trust me, this works.
Have a party. It works every time
How does one manage this neatness? Convince yourself to host a large party at your home. Then make sure you invite a lot of people so they can’t be confined to one small clean area (because you’ve shoved everything behind some hidden door) and be sure they are people you would like to impress (or at least convince that you’ve got your act together.) It’s really that simple!
The worry and anxiety will provide you with many waking hours to get everything done, so while an average person could accomplish these goals in months, you can do it in days. And nights.
The first step is to declutter. This means making the hard decision you’ve been putting off to toss or donate things you haven’t used in 10 years but held on to “just in case.” This works especially well in the garage, where shelving has allowed you to stack and hide these forgotten items.
Not it’s time for the real work: Dust, dirt be gone
The next step is the actual cleaning. Once you’ve removed everything that was hiding the dirt and dust, it’s right there, just asking to be wiped away. And once you start, you can’t stop. It’s like magic!
Finally, when things seem organized and clean, you start to see everything else that might appear less than desired. From pantries that won’t be opened to bathrooms that won’t be used, in a fury of rage and disinfectant, you complete tasks you’ve been avoiding for a very long time.
Is anyone really going to be disgusted if there is a bit of dust on your return air vents? Probably not, but you’re not going to give them the opportunity. Success!
So if you’re feeling like an inexpensive home makeover, give this a try. There are plenty of reasons to celebrate, even if it is celebrating a squeaky clean garage.
Originally Appeared Here