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New development on El Molino and Walnut (Photo – W.K.)
The Pasadena Building Electrification Coalition seeks to educate and build support for enactment of a comprehensive Reach Code in Pasadena.
By Kate Bartlet
The California Legislature made history in 2018 by passing SB 100, the California 100% Clean Energy Act. SB 100 sets the bold but achievable goal of powering California – the world’s 5th largest economy – with 100% clean, carbon-free electricity by 2045.
Motivated by the climate crisis, air pollution, rising gas rates and gas safety risks (carbon dioxide and methane, among others), 54 counties and cities in California have adopted gas-free buildings commitments or electrification building codes (known as ”Reach Codes” because they go beyond California state building codes). Sierra Club tracks the building code efforts of those cities and counties at this link.
Pasadena is not on that list – yet.
Pasadena’s Climate Action Plan
Building electrification is a key step to realizing Pasadena’s Climate Action Plan adopted in 2018; the Plan outlined primary sources of emissions and strategies to reduce reliance on gas and fossil fuels. Gas accounts for 38% of emissions in Pasadena residences. All electric buildings are healthier for people, especially children, because gas stoves and furnaces produce pollutants, including particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, all of which are linked to negative health outcomes such as asthmas, respiratory illnesses, cognitive impairments and some cancers. A 2019 UCLA-led study of indoor air quality in older homes and apartments in the San Gabriel Valley found that homes with gas appliances had air pollution indoors that was commonly worse than outdoors, particularly in colder months. Of course, the economic costs of chronic illnesses is particularly burdensome for lower income families.
All-electric buildings are more affordable to construct and maintain than dual-fuel buildings. In addition to directly reducing home building and infrastructure costs, all-electric codes avoid the cost to ratepayers of future stranded assets.
Two developers already are focusing on building affordable all-electric housing in Pasadena. Heritage Housing Partners developed Summit Grove, Gill Court, Decker Court and Lincoln at Orange Grove, all with solar panels, all electric appliances and a heat pump. National CORE is proposing the Ramona Project across from Pasadena’s City Hall, an affordable, all-electric senior housing project.
Pasadena Building Electrification Coalition
A coalition of interested groups and individuals in Pasadena and the San Gabriel Valley – currently designated as the Pasadena Building Electrification Coalition – is discussing the manner in which the Pasadena City Council can be encouraged to adopt an all-electric building code. No other city in Los Angeles County has adopted a ban on gas in new buildings, including ADUs.
Pasadena’s Planning Department is expected to make a presentation to the full City Council on adoption of a Reach Code soon. The date of that presentation has not been determined.
To learn more about clean energy initiatives and supporting the adoption of a Reach Code in Pasadena, sign up at The Climate Realty Project.
Kate Bartlett has a BA (Political Science) and a JD, University of Wisconsin-Madison. She enjoys reading and writing equally.
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