3.1 Chamber conditions, ventilation, and aerosol characterization
Across all experiments, the mean chamber temperature was 24.1 ± 1.1°C with a relative humidity of 26.0% ± 2.4%. The temperature change during all experiments rose 0.4°C ± 0.2°C and the relative humidity change was 0.2°C ± 0.2°C. Particle clearance by the ventilation system followed first-order exponential decays, with overall clearance rates 74.1% ± 4.4% of decay rates estimated by anemometer readings (Range: 73.1%–76.7%; Figure 2A). Particle decay rates throughout the chamber, as measured by the five OPCs, were largely homogeneous (Figure S1). The experimental decay rates after single coughs were 76.1% ± 1.5% of theoretical values (Range: 74.4%–77.3%). These experimental decay rate magnitudes and variances were comparable to those obtained from particle decay testing, which suggests that the ventilation system promoted adequate air mixing to disperse cough aerosols through the chamber volume. Therefore, we presume similar air mixing within the chamber during ventilation studies for the other two modalities tested.
Ventilation and aerosol characterization. (A) Environmental chamber particle decay rates across HEPA ventilation settings. Dashed lines indicate the theoretical decay rate for each examined ventilation rate; solid lines indicate effective rates determined. Enumerated effective air exchange rates shown at the end time-point with percent error from theoretical (negative value indicates lower than theoretical). (B) Mean chamber mass concentration-time curves of simulated very fine respiratory droplets and aerosol particles for the examined respiratory actions and ventilation rates. (C) Bin-specific particle distributions as determined by mass (bars) and by number of particles (line). The median particle diameter (Dp) indicates the bin. Results are the arithmetic mean ± standard deviation of three independent experiments. Error bars for the number of particles (line) too small to visualize. ACH, Air changes per hour
Chamber aerosol concentrations during simulated respiratory events are shown in Figure 2B. A single simulated cough produced an immediate aerosol influx within the chamber followed by mixing and log-linear decay, except for no ventilation in which the aerosol concentration reached a plateau. As expected, the continuous influx of aerosol during breathing resulted in an initial phase of rapid increase in aerosol particles which decelerated over time, suggesting a steady state between the source aerosol influx and removal by ventilation would be reached over longer testing durations. The bin-specific size and mass distributions of the KCl aerosol averaged over the test duration were similar across modalities. The particle size data indicated that 41.2%–44.4% of the aerosol mass was in the 2–3 μm range (2.5 μm channel) which tapered to a nadir between 4.1% and 4.4% among the 0.65–0.8 μm size range (0.725 μm channel). The remaining three smallest bins each registered between 7.1% and 8.4% of the mass distribution (Figure 2C). On a particle number basis, most particles were detected within the smallest size channel with <3% attributed to the largest size bin. Similar to the proportional mass distribution, particle count size distribution was analogous across the tested modalities and was similar the OPCs within the chamber (Figure S2). The proportional size distribution demonstrated a peak at 0.35 μm—the smallest measured size bin—via OPC and was similar to tests measuring human respiratory aerosols via OPC-based measurements. Of note, the aerosol concentrations measured in the current investigation were 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than concentrations generated by typical human respiratory events.23, 35-37
3.2 Masking, physical distance, and ventilation
The time-concentration curves at the 1.8 m physical distance are shown in Figure 3A; analogous results for the 0.9 m physical distance are presented in Figure S3. For a single cough, aerosol concentrations decayed log-linearly after aerosol generation, while aerosol concentrations during breathing continually increased over time. Donning a 3-ply cotton mask blunted the height of the time-concentration curves. The mean aerosol mass concentrations at the mouth of the breathing recipient over the testing duration are presented in Figure 3B. Overall, universal masking reduced particle exposure compared to unmasked conditions, while exposure reduction by distance and ventilation did not produce discernable patterns of exposure modulation. To determine the relative exposure reduction of universal masking, physical distancing, and ventilation during the 15-min tests, mean mass concentrations were regressed using ordinary least squares (OLS) multiple linear regression. Inclusion of the interaction term did not improve the model for either cough (p = 0.3062) or breathing (p = 0.6475) compared to models without interaction while also increasing the model Akaiki’s Information Criterion, thus, fixed effects OLS models without interaction were constructed. Results of multiple OLS regression are presented in Table 2. Interactions between masking and the other parameters were neither expected nor tested.
Aerosol mass exposure of the recipient. (A) Mass exposure concentration over time across the matrix of modalities, masking status, and ventilation for the 1.8 m physical distance. Results for the 0.9 m physical distance are provided in the Figure S3. Data are the arithmetic mean of three independent experiments. (B) Mean mass exposure over the 15-min simulation period derived from the time curves. Results are the arithmetic mean ± standard deviation of three independent experiments. No statistical comparisons were made between individual groups. ACH, Air changes per hour
Regression coefficients for 15- and 60-min tests
Modality | Parameter | Regression coefficients | Percent reduction | t-Value | Pr > |t| | Model adjusted R2 | ||
β | 95% CI | Estimate (%) | 95% CI (%) | |||||
Cough | Constant | 3.146 | 3.010 to 3.282 | – | – | 46.587 | <0.001 | 0.969 |
Distance: 1.8 m | −0.167 | −0.294 to −0.040 | 15.4 | 3.9 to 25.5 | −2.656 | 0.011 | ||
ACH | −0.044 | −0.059 to −0.030 | 4.3 | 2.9 to 5.7 | −6.125 | <0.001 | ||
Masking: Yes | −2.392 | −2.519 to −2.265 | 90.9 | 89.6 to 91.9 | −38.042 | <0.001 | ||
Breathing | Constant | 3.203 | 3.034 to 3.373 | – | – | 38.129 | <0.001 | 0.904 |
Distance: 1.8 m | −0.060 | −0.217 to 0.098 | 5.8 | −10.3 to 19.5 | −0.761 | 0.451 | ||
ACH | −0.006 | −0.024 to 0.012 | 0.6 | −1.2 to 2.4 | −0.645 | 0.522 | ||
Masking: Yes | −1.650 | −1.808 to −1.492 | 80.8 | 77.5 to 83.6 | −21.091 | <0.001 | ||
Breathing 60 mina | Constant | 4.569 | 4.438 to 4.699 | – | – | 74.588 | <0.001 | 0.976 |
ACH | −0.098 | −0.112 to −0.083 | 9.0 | 7.7 to 10.3 | −14.105 | <0.001 | ||
Masking: Yes | −1.553 | −1.700 to −1.406 | 76.0 | 72.8 to 78.8 | −22.477 | <0.001 |
- Abbreviation: ACH, Air changes per hour.
Adjusting for ACH and physical distance, universal masking significantly reduced aerosol exposure compared to unmasked exposures (p < 0.001 among all modalities) during the 15-min tests. Fit factors of the 3-ply cloth mask were 4.1 ± 2.6 (n = 43) for the recipient and 1.7 ± 0.6 (n = 42) for the source simulator. The largest reduction in aerosol mass exposure was observed after a single cough (90.9%; 95% CI: 89.6%–91.9%), while exposure reduction was comparatively lower during breathing (80.8%; 95% CI: 77.5%–83.6%). The reduction in mass concentration was likely due to preferential filtration of aerosols >1 µm in diameter by the 3-ply cotton masks fitted to the source and recipient simulators (Figure 4). The differences in exposure reduction among the aerosol generation modalities were likely due to specific changes in aerosol spatiotemporal dispersion when the source was masked. Aerosol plumes generated during both breathing modalities and a single cough escape through face seal leaks.38 The plumes would then be deflected behind and/or to the side of the source and thus effectively farther from the recipient compared with the experiments with no masks. Without chamber mixing, as observed with no ventilation, the cough aerosol deflected by the mask took longer to disperse throughout the chamber compared to without a mask as was observed in Figure 3A. The time-concentration curves for breathing shifted to the right when masked, though not as much as after a single cough, showing that dispersion kinetics likely played a larger role in the heterogeneity observed for exposure reduction among the respiratory actions simulated here. While we cannot rule out the possibility that differential filtration of the source’s mask was influenced by aerosol generation (for example, the higher expulsion velocity during coughing causing greater mask aerosol filtration compared to breathing), our previous work suggests the aerosol generation modality likely does not influence mask collection efficiency for this 3-ply cotton mask (51.7% ± 7.1% for coughing and 44.3% ± 14.0% for breathing).15 Lastly, since the current investigation utilized static breathing simulators, the results do not account for the potential contribution of anthropogenic movement and individual behavior to aerosol particle exposure.39 We have previously observed the presence of the exhalation from a breathing receiver can influence aerosol particle exposure within the experimental configuration contained in this work.12 In a broader context, personal exposure within the indoor environment can be influenced by several factors, such as heterogenous regions of aerosol concentration and changes in air flow patterns by individual bodily movements.40, 41 Therefore, while outside of the scope of the current investigation, anthropogenic factors should be considered especially when contextualizing the efficacy of examined exposure reduction mitigation strategies.
Aerosol size distribution shifts during masking. (A) Bin-specific percent of mass distribution averaged across all ventilation rates. (B) Bin-specific percent change of aerosol distribution stratified by ventilation rate. The median particle diameter (Dp) indicates the bin. Data are the arithmetic mean of three independent experiments. ACH, Air changes per hour
The exposure reductions associated with the other predictor variables varied depending on the respiratory action for the 15-min tests. When controlling for masking, increasing physical distance from 0.9 to 1.8 m significantly reduced aerosol exposure from a single cough by 15.4% (95% CI: 3.9%–25.5%; p = 0.011); increasing ventilation also reduced exposure by 4.3% per ACH (95% CI: 2.9%–5.7%; p < 0.001). Neither increasing ACH (p = 0.522) nor increasing physical distance (p = 0.451) provided protection during breathing for the 15-min tests. When extending the test duration to 60 min for breathing, the mean mass concentration from aerosol generation reached a dynamic equilibrium with each of the examined ACH rates (Figure 5). Analysis for the 60-min tests by OLS regression demonstrated increasing ventilation significantly decreased mean mass concentration by 9.0% (95% CI: 7.7%–10.3%; p < 0.001; Table 2), while universal masking expectedly reduced mean mass concentration significantly. When condensing the total aerosol generation period to the initial 3 min in the short-term aerosol generation tests, increasing ACH became a significant predictor in exposure reduction (5.2%; 95% CI: 3.8%–6.5%; p < 0.001; Table S2). The time-concentration curves of the short-term aerosol generation tests demonstrated the log-linear decay similarly to time-concentration profiles observed from a single cough, albeit shifted to the right to reflect the longer aerosol generation period (Figure S4). This result demonstrates that attainment of a dynamic equilibrium with continuous aerosol input or removal of aerosols produced by an intense, short-term generation event through increasing ventilation can result in significant exposure reduction for a recipient. We did not examine the extended exposure duration for a single cough over 60 min, though we expect increasing ventilation will remain a significant predictor of mean mass concentration reduction.
Extended breathing assessment. Mass exposure concentration-time curves over 60 min for breathing at the 1.8 m physical distance and three ventilation rates. Results are the arithmetic mean ± standard deviation of three independent experiments. ACH, Air changes per hour
With respect to ventilation, the restricted 15-min exposure duration contributed to the lack of pronounced effect of increasing ACH for breathing and can be explained when considering air flow. Ventilation not only provides contaminant removal but also impacts the overall air flow. Modeling of aerosol dispersion through central ventilation systems demonstrates this complex interplay between ventilatory clearance and overall air flow patterns that can, under certain situations, increase the short-term exposure during rapid, thorough mixing42 that was observed during the breathing respiratory action. Increasing ventilation reduced monotonically the bulk aerosol concentration throughout the entire chamber over the total duration of the ventilation testing (Figure 3A) but tended to decrease the time of aerosol contact at the mouth of the recipient. Using a hand-held fog machine, smoke released at the position of the source’s mouth tended to disperse initially, albeit slowly, in the direction of OPCs 2 and 3 (S2 and S3 as designated in Figure 1, respectively) under no ventilation and 4 ACH. With increasing ventilation, the direction of initial smoke dispersion shifted toward the recipient, likely due to the pressure drop produced from the ventilation system supply stream above and behind the recipient (Figure S5). The supply from 4 ACH traveled along the wall with the supply vent and deflected along the front wall prior to dissipation without a discernable air flow pattern. Increasing ventilation to 6 ACH lengthened the travel distance along the front wall to include deflection along the intake wall as well as downwards toward the floor and in the direction of the Back Wall. Under 12 ACH, the air flow pattern followed that of 6 ACH, except the observed air flow along the Front Wall showed more diffuse downwards toward the floor and in the direction of the Back Wall; patterns along the Back Wall were not readily discernable at any ventilation tested. Examination of the OPC-stratified mean mass concentration-time series during breathing without masks and both respiratory actions during universal masking (Figures S6–S9) confirmed the qualitative air flow pattern suggested by the examination using the fog machine, suggesting air currents by the ventilation system in the environmental chamber was a significant contributor to dispersion during comparatively low-velocity aerosol particle release, such as during breathing and around face seal leaks for both respiratory actions. The initial high-velocity aerosol particles released during a cough without masking was comparatively unaffected by air currents described (Figure S8), while post-cough dispersion and mixing were influenced by air flow produced by the ventilation. Therefore, the air currents induced by the ventilation supply tended to influence recipient aerosol exposure where, in extreme cases, increasing ventilation paradoxically increased the receiver mean mass exposure (Figure 3B); this observation was largely independent of physical distance. Physical distance did contribute to aerosol dispersion with a physical distance of 0.9 m under no ventilation and without masking, where the exhalation from the receiver simulator likely increased the lateral dispersion aerosol particles from the source exhalation as reflected by the rapid increases in mean mass concentration measured by OPC sampler S4 (Figure S6) which was otherwise absent when positioned 1.8 m.
The authors opine such increases were caused by the observed thorough air mixing and changes in air flow patterning of aerosols after exhalation from the source, as was noted in particle decay studies and qualitative fog machine testing, in conjunction with the short exposure duration of 15 min. As previously noted, the effect of ventilation was appreciated during the 60-min breathing test and the short-term aerosol generation tests. These results demonstrate that the aerosol reduction measures by ventilation must consider the air mixing, aerosol spatial dispersion, and exposure duration in addition to other mitigation strategies to ascribe the degree of protection afforded. This becomes evident when examining the physical distancing within a well-mixed environment: the effectiveness of physical distancing can diminish.33, 43, 44 Indeed, we observed apparent reduction in time to first contact with increasing ventilation at 0.9 m physical distancing (Figure S3) that was similar to the 1.8 m results. These results demonstrate that a complex interplay between air mixing and exposure duration can determine an individual’s aerosol exposure.
3.3 Limitations
The current investigation has several noteworthy limitations that must be considered. First, the mass concentration of aerosol generated during the experimental modalities, particularly breathing, was higher than those produced from human exhalations.23 The higher concentrations combined with the wide dynamic range of the OPC allowed for stable and reproducible measurements while assuring attainment of quantitative limits of detection among all tests. Second, the simulators lack generation of body heat, do not generate a thermal exhalation plume, and exhale or cough dry salt particles, all of which affect aerosol size, aerosol dispersion, and inhalation exposure.45-47 Given the confines of the environmental chamber, the internal ventilation setup, and the high aerosol concentrations, we would not expect substantial differences in mean mass exposure given the small volume of the chamber. Therefore, limits must be placed on the interpretation of the results within a larger indoor environment, especially considering the dispersion potential of an exhalatory thermal plume and the strong influence of ventilation supply air flow observed. Third, the range of human respiratory aerosols can be smaller and larger than the measured range of this investigation (0.3–3.0 µm).35, 37 For droplets, the effect of physical distancing may be higher than those suggested by the observed results. Fourth, the study investigated the exposure reduction of a single 3-ply cotton mask. The authors recognize the limitation of having tested a single mask, since the effectiveness of exposure reduction by other masks could be either higher or lower, depending on the mask. Nonetheless, the analytics of the study allow for reasonable expectation of exposure reduction of the other predictor variables provided the aerosol behavior does not significantly deviate from this study with another type of mask.
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