If you don’t fancy plumping or installing, try this three-quart countertop system from AquaTru instead. This 14 by 14 inch, over-the-counter device takes minutes to set up and removes 83 contaminants, such as lead, chromium, copper, radium, chlorine, and more. It does this by using four filters: two pre-filters, a carbon filter, and an activated coconut shell carbon filter. Extremely cost-effective, the filters strain 1,200 gallons of water so you won’t need a filter change between six months and two years.
“It’s a sleek machine, barely makes a noise. I live in central Florida and city water here has a sulfur smell and taste. It also is hard water. We moved and our regular filter did not fit the new place’s faucet. That old one (it was an Aquasana one) did a relatively good job improving the quality of the water, but the hardness was still there,” explained a reviewer. “However, with this new filter, the water has a bottled water quality to it: no hardness, no sulfur smell or taste. I have had this filter for a couple of days now and am very happy with my purchase.”
To buy: AquaTru Water Filtration Purification System, $426; amazon.com
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