We’ve mopped the hardwood floors, cleaned mildew from the shower and tub combo, disintegrated grease and sticky residue, and spot-cleaned the leather couch. Is there anything left? Oh yes, the carpets.
Living Well Mom has a helpful tip for how to make homemade natural carpet deodorizer. In this case, any essential oil can work because you’re ultimately relying on creating a pleasant scent. Living Well Mom likes a tea tree, chamomile, lavender combination, but if you think about it, the carpet is an important place to make use of the antimicrobial benefits of eucalyptus. After all, it doesn’t just smell good, it has important cleaning properties to boot. And you don’t want to be covering up bad odors, you want them dead and gone.
The DIY recipe for this one combines a large amount of baking soda, at minimum 2 cups, with around 20 drops of essential oil, or more of both for large areas. And how about this bonus hack: Living Well Mom suggests putting it all together in an empty Parmesan cheese canister, which will be exactly what you need for shaking your mixture onto the carpet. After sprinkling, let it sit for as long as you like, but at least 30 minutes. Then just vacuum it up as you would regular deodorizer and enjoy the bliss of a delightfully-scented room.
Originally Appeared Here